I didn’t wanna see Chicago.
And then there was all the hype, and I cared even less.
But then the fucking Screen Actor’s Guild had to go and give Renee Zellweger the Best Actress award that I was so sure Nicole Kidman OWNED for her amazing performance in THE HOURS.
So I was leaving work early anyway, so I went to see Chicago.
I wanted to hate it.
But I can’t lie…it’s pretty damn good.
Renee Zellweger IS really good as Roxie Hart. I guess she does her own singing, and she does that well. Obviously, she does her own dancing, and does that well too. BUT, I stand by Ms. Kidman to take home Oscar gold.
And this is neither here nor there, but the "20’s Look" does nothing for fair Ms. Zellweger.
Catherine Zeta-Jones on the other hand…she’s scary beautiful.
AND she can act!
And she can sing!
And she can dance, and look really, really yummy doing all of the above.
So I’m OK with her getting her SAG Best Supporting Actress statue.
Look, I just don’t like Richard Gere.
I’m not sure why…sometimes insanity and mental decay has no rhyme or reason.
But that’s it, I don’t like him.
Did I like his performance…well, no.
Is it a bad performance?
Well, no.
He does exactly what he’s supposed to do here…be an asshole lawyer extraordinaire. An over the top one at that, and he delivers exactly that.
I just don’t like him.
Queen Latifah and John C. Reilly kicked ass though. Excellent performances from both, and Reilly’s song really touched me (it hit really close to home). I’m glad they’re both getting mad praise for Chicago.
So this is what all the hype was about.
I’ll tell you what, director Rob Marshall did a bang up job. I dunno how much has been changed from the original story or the original play, or what came first and when, but kudos all around.
And all that jazz…