A nomad if you will
Born far from his home
Was soon to take flight
And feel out of place
For the rest of his life
My birth is a mistake!
I don’t wish to live!
I am too afraid to die!
I am a mistake!
It’s my fault!
I will hide in the darkness
For I don’t wish to be seen
I am ugly and fat
Who would ever love me?
No gypsy, no model
Not even a mother
Would find me attractive
Who would care what I think?
I don’t so why should they
Who gives a shit about happiness?
It doesn’t exist, it’s just a dream
It’s past midnight, the Cinderella hour if you will
See, I knew it. There is no happy ending
I am a frog but not a prince only a loser
Who would want to kiss me?
And if someone did, I will disappoint her
When she sees the real me.
Come close to me darkness!
Stay away from me demons!
I can’t see where I am going!
Stay away from me light!
Where is that dammed door?
There is no way I will go through it!
The door is locked, I can t find that stupid key?
Oh wait is in my pocket
Why can’t I lose it once and for all!
I hope I never do!
I want to be rescued
But I can’t stand the light
I need a friend but I trust no one.
My shadow haunts me and never lets go
He is not my friend that’s for sure
Who is my friend? Not me, that’s for sure.
- A friend June 26, 2002