Despite my relative dislike for Jack Black, and for the seemingly endless stream of CGI animal flicks of late, I wanted to see Kung Fu Panda. I’m really glad I did because it turned out to be very entertaining movie!
Jack Black plays Po, a food loving panda who dreams of being more than a noodle cook, who finds himself in the midst of martial arts greatness.
The Furious Five consist of a tigress, a crane, a mantis, a monkey and a viper. These are voiced nicely by Angelina Jolie, David Cross, Seth Rogen, Jackie Chan, and Lucy Liu respectively. Their Master, Master Shifu is played well by Dustin Hoffman.
Together they must find a way of stopping Tai Lung, a powerfully villainous snow leopard voiced by Ian McShane. McShane also voiced the villainously powerful Ice Bear King and arch enemy of Iorek Byrnison, Ragnar Sturlusson in
THE GOLDEN COMPASS. Guess he likes playing badass animals.
Like I said I don’t really like animated animals movies, but this was a really fun and funny movie. It’s silly and over the top, as expected of a youth oriented cartoon, but it got laughs from the whole crowd, not just the kids. It also has some pretty interesting more dramatic moments. Really great job overall by the writers and directors, and of course the cast.
Even Jack Black didn't annoy me in this movie. I know, weird!
That says a whole lot about Kung Fu Panda!