I went in to “Max Payne” knowing (and caring?) nothing about the video game it was based on. The commercials made the movie look kinda cool, and I hadn’t seen a movie in a while, so why not?
Well, I’m glad I saw it. Maybe it’s not a “great movie”, but it was cool.
I liked it plenty.
Mark Wahlberg stars as the titular character, a disgraced cop who lost his family to violence and never gave up searching for the killer(s). Walhberg can be hit or miss, but here I liked him. He was a badass, but also very human.
Max Payne had a lot of people in pretty small roles, most notably Mila Kunis and Beau Bridges. They do pretty well with what they’re given. I briefly saw a couple of people from HEROES, and Amaury Nolasco from Prison Break is featured. He did pretty well.
The plot for Max Payne is kinda messy, and the movie was probably cut down a bit. It might have worked better as an R rated flick, but like I said, I liked it. Director John Moore went for very cool and stylistic visuals. At times the CGI was a little too much, but overall it worked nicely.
I guess this could very much just be a rental, but as action / revenge flicks go, it’s decent. The semi-supernatural connection worked best for me, though. The visuals set the tone. The action is icing on the cake.