Jim Carrey can be a pain in the ass, but damn, that man is funny!
Me, Myself, & Irene is his second movie with those twisted Farrelly Brothers, who so lovingly brought us Dumb and Dumber, and the now immortally classic, There's Something About Mary.
This movie isn't quite up to par with Mary, but it's a very funny movie.

Jim Carrey plays a Rhode Island State Trooper who develops schizophrenia. As Charlie, the mild mannered persona, he's appealing, but a little more of a straight man. As the wanna-be bad-ass Hank, he shows off all the physical comedy that made him a star to begin with. He can really act! Just remember, it's harder to do comedy than drama…but Carrey does them both very well.

The Irene in Me, Myself, & Irene is played by Renee Zelweger, who holds her own very well against Carrey, as she did as Tom Cruise's leading lady in Jerry Maguire. She's also kind of adorable, so you just like her anyway.
Also in the film are two veteran actors, Robert Forster, and Chris Cooper (the hard ass Marine father in American Beauty!)
Possibly stealing the movie from Carrey are the three actors that play his sons. I don't wanna say much about them though because I'm not all about spoilers. I don't know their names either.
Sorry. I aint no freaking Ebert over here.

It seems that over all this movie hasn't been getting the best reviews out there, but fuck them.
This is a funny movie, and unless you're constipated, you will laugh!