This aint your father's Disney flick…
The Emperor's New Groove has none of that Disney magic that makes me love most of their animated "classics". The characters don't break into song, with the exception of the very funny "theme song", sung by a rather diminutive version of Tom Jones. How unusual…
No, The Emperor's New Groove is a straight up comedy, disguised as an animated kid's film. David Spade stars as Kuzco, the emperor of a Mayan like civilization. John Goodman is Pacha, one of his humble villagers. Eartha Kitt plays Yzma, Kuzco's advisor, and Patrick Warburton steals this movie as Kronk, Yzma's minion with a Boy Scout mentality…literally!
I didn't know what to think of this movie at first. I hadn't heard good buzz about it at all. Now I know why. Like I said before this is not like your typical Disney movie. As a comedy though, it's very funny. Even David Spade, with whom a little usually goes a long way, is good here. Goodman does fine, as does Eartha Kitt, whose character makes the animated version of Cruella De' Ville look like quite a hottie. But Patrick Warburton really shines! His trademark deadpan delivery is SO perfect!
(Note: I am SO cautiously optimistic about his portrayal of a live action Tick on Fox in 2001!)
I really hope people give this movie a chance. I think they'll really get their money's worth.
Oh, and once again look out for a very quick cameo of sorts of another Disney character…