New Moon is the sequel to TWILIGHT , but you knew that. It’s a decent movie. Better than the first, just as the book is better than the first, IMHO. New Moon definitely looks a lot better, but it still looks pretty cheesy at times. I’m sure the target audience of screaming and swooning tween girls couldn’t care less. As long as they get their Edward & Jacob, they’re good.
And they get a lot of them two, played by Robert Pattinson & Taylor Lautner respectfully. Too much really. Jacob, put a shirt on. Jeez.
I said in my review of Twilight that Lautner had his work cut out for him if he stayed in the role. Well he did, and his acting is…ok…but there’s something about his voice that almost cancels out his muscles. But he’s OK…at least as good, if not possibly better, than Pattinson. Sorry ladies.
Kristen Stewart seemed a little more at home in the role of Isabella Swan. She impressed me a couple of times. Nice job.
The happy little Cullen vampire clan is all back, and Ashley Greene is pretty much the same Alice we met last time. In the books she’s my favorite character, but she hasn’t translated to the screen as well.
Michael Sheen and Dakota Fanning have smaller roles that will become bigger. Sheen was kinda disturbing and a little annoying in his, but that’s how he’s written. Fanning was hardly used. But she’s a cheerleader & a homecoming queen, so I’m sure she’s fine.
Rachelle Lefevre is back oh so briefly and completely without dialogue as Victoria, who we met in the first movie. It’s already been reported that the third movie, Eclipse replaces her with Dallas Bryce Howard. I like Mz Howard plenty, but I feel bad for Mz Lefevre. Book 3 is Victoria heavy. Ouch.
So anyway, yeah, this movie’s exactly what you expect, but it’s not as bad you think it is. Really. It’s entertaining, and dammit, it has huge wolves. And wolves rock!