Much like the movie I reviewed earlier today, ICE AGE, I had heard pretty bad things about Showtime, but I like comedies, and I really like Robert Deniro in comedies, so I decided to see it in anyway.
I’m glad I did, because even though it’s not a great movie, I sure laughed a lot.
Eddie Murphy and Robert Deniro have pretty good chemistry here.
Murphy is still one of the funniest people around, and even though the Showtime isn’t one of his best, it’s still a solid performance.
Same goes for Deniro.
When he does comedy, it’s usually great, Analyze This and MEET THE PARENTS being the standouts. Again, the material isn’t the greatest, but he does a great job with what he’s given.
Rene Russo plays the overly ambitious TV producer here, and she’s pretty good too, though her role isn’t very juicy. But she sure is perty though.
My biggest problem with this movie is the villain, as portrayed by Pedro Damian, an actor I’ve never seen before. I’m sorry, but he was pretty bad. He was so non-dynamic that the little screen time he had was boring.
I’m probably nit-picking, but I’m just calling it as I see it.
Showtime is basically a buddy cop flick, brought up a notch by including two good actors in the lead roles. There was way too much over the top action in it…I would have preferred the emphasis be placed more on the chemistry between the two leads than on gun play and explosions, but when it’s all said and done, it’s still a funny flick.