So I went to see UP in Digital 3 D, and maybe that was a mistake as it was kinda unnecessary and more expensive that way. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a cute movie. It’s just not a great movie. It does have some really great parts in it. I just feel that there are too many silly over the top parts that drown out the good parts.
Edward Asner does a nice job as the voice of Carl, our hero. The way the movie shows his love for his wife is very nice, but I guess they needed the action and comedy to sell the flick. Shame. It’s one of the better love stories you’ll see on film.
There’s nothing wrong with UP, it just didn’t live up to the standards of some of the great Pixar flicks that have come are way in the past.
I did thoroughly enjoy the short, “Partly Cloudly” that runs before the feature. Good stuff.