I saw two movies yesterday, but you should know that if you check this site every day!
That was supposed to be funny.
Did you laugh?
Been kind of a musical weekend for me...
Friday night I went and saw my buddies from DADDY LIKES play at a local sports bar. It was fun, as usual. They're a great party band.
Before I left I noticed a flyer for the next night in the same place. A band called Mistreater...and oh my God, they have long hair! Could they be rockers?
I had to know, so not having a life, or anybody to take with me, I soloed out there again, and sure enough, Mistreater rocks!
I knew I was in for something as I walked in and they were just kicking off Everything About You from Ugly Kid Joe. They went on to play many great Eighties metal standards...I was in Heaven! I had no idea this little sports bar would promote bands like that! I might go see them again next week, in another place near by.
They have a site too, but it's not really a personal site. Still, if you wanna check it out, CLICK HERE.
Long hair, wailing guitars, a stocky bald guy with a pony tail a la Yul Brynner in The Ten Commandments, and damn it, even a mullet on a guy that looked a whole lot like a younger Diamond Dallas Page!
What more can you want?!?
I updated every section today with the exception of the Movie section. Kinda ironic because usually the movie section gets all the glory. But there was nothing I really wanted to see this weekend. Bummer.
I recently got a new CD from one of my favorite bands, Iced Earth. I know that's a weird name, but these guys really rock. They're like a more updated, "powerful" version of Iron Maiden. Very cool if it's what you're into, which I am...
Anyway the CD I refer to is called Tribute To The Gods and it's all cover songs from bands that were influential to Jon Schaffer, Iced Earth's guitarist and main songwriter. He's like the heart of the band, much like Steve Harris is the heart of Maiden, Hetfield is the heart of Metallica, etc. Anyway there's a bunch of info in the liner notes about each band they cover and why they are such an influence, etc.
Very, very cool.
...and he and I agree, Maiden is like the ultimate metal band ever.
On a very different note, a friend of mine...one of my best friend's girlfriend actually, had to be hospitalized for some really scary sounding eye problems. Scarier still these eye problems are sometimes the beginning of a bigger health issue. Hopefully in this case they caught it in time and things will get better for her quickly. I went to visit her yesterday (thankfully her final day of hospitalization) and she seemed in pretty good spirits despite the situation. I really wish her all the best and a very speedy recovery.
And it's really nice to see my friend taking care of her so nicely.
They are a really great couple.
One guy played the drums, and sang along like a banshee, while the other guy played guitar and sang. These guys jam! The drummer rocked hard, and it was cool to see him just let go and get into the music, he was jamming!
The singer-guitarist is actually a drummer in disguise. He's actually already in two bands: He plays drums in a cover band, and in an original funk-rock trio. He's scary talented...a jack of all trades!
I tried to play along, first on guitar, then on my newest toy, a bass.
Now, after twenty years of playing around with guitars, I've never even come close to mastering it. I don't call myself a guitarist in any way, shape, or form.
Well, I've had a bass for less than a week, so do the math.
But even though I just watched for about half the time, that was a lot of fun.
Music is fun.
And it's funny, when playing music, it doesn't even have to be a song you're crazy about to have fun, becasue no matter what you're playing, well, that's it, you're playing.
Still, I really need to try and actually learn some songs to be able to participate more should we jam again...
Seems like lately there have been a lot of subtle and not so subtle indications of just how quickly (or slowly, if you’re one of them half glass empty types) my life is spiraling into the great abyss of “woulda coulda shoulda” Hell.
Characters on the screen, in voice over, mocking my absolute lack of motivation, creativity, lust for life, etc. They laugh at my lack of talent, and worse, my lack of understanding on how to channel any scrap of talent that may or may not be lurking in my head, in my blood.
The only positive thing for ME lately, much to the chagrin of the co-inhabitants of my dirty, corrupt and soulless city, Miami, is the defeat in the Fiesta Bowl of their beloved Hurricanes at the hands of Ohio State. Not that I find joy in the agony of others, I really don’t, but Fucking A that team was an unstoppable juggernaut and somebody needed to teach them some humility.
(And yeah, I fucking hate that school, UM. Not really sure why, but I’m sure it’s some how related to my ex-fiancee of oh so many moons ago.
Holding grudges is fun…go ahead, try it!)
I gotta shave my head today.
Speaking of unruly hair, Icon the Uber-Beast Akita is in the full throes of tri-annual shedding, and damn does he look ugly. At least he smells really bad, you know, to keep things consistent.
Boredom led me to do the ridiculous…I rented the biggest flop of 2002, The Adventures of Pluto Nash. Wow, that was pretty bad. Not the worst thing I’ve ever seen, but bad, and cheesy, and very likely embarrassing for all involved.
Oh well, I guess I’ve rambled enough…