Monday 11/29/99
OK, so I forgot to mention that on Black Friday (you know, the Friday after Thanksgiving,the busiest retail day of the year) I took my niece and nephew who were visiting from North Carolina, to go see Toy Story 2. I have to admit I wasn't looking forward to the movie much, but I ended up loving it. It's very good! But, uh, I just don't feel like writing an actual "review".
I saw another movie this weekend as well, the very well reviewed Anime (Japanimation) epic, Princess Mononoke. It's by a very respected Japanese animator, and the movie is Number Two all time in Japan, behind only Titanic. I really only wanted to see it because the English adaptation has a screenplay by Neil Gaiman, my FAVORITE author/writer/raconteur!
Um, I almost fell asleep. I hate to say it, but I was bored. Very bored. I have to admit, I'm not big into Japanimation anyway, but I thought it'd be cool to see it on the big screen. I do think I liked it better than my bud Joey (I think he actually WAS asleep next to me!)
Well, that's all I really have to say right now. So go listen to System Of A Down repeatedly, and have a nice day.
Sunday 11/28/99
It's been a very good few days. This is mostly due to someone who has suddenly and surprisingly infused my life with some warmth and, dare I say it, happiness (two words that don't usually show up on my web site!)
Still, I am reticent to get into it too much here, because it's such a quick jump from happiness to bitterness, and I've already shared more than I should have on someone else...who's since practically disappeared.
In other news, as expected after four days off, I just don't wanna go back to work. That, coupled with the fact that I can't go see Metallica one month to the day from now, just makes me wanna crawl under a rock.
Thursday 11/25/99
What a difference 4 days make...Dolphins fucking suck! UGH!
So yeah anyway, here I am updating my site on Thanksgiving.Why, oh I don't know. I don't really have anything to say.
I mean yeah, I could actually say a lot on something that's been developing over the past few weeks, but I think I better play it safe for now...wait for things to get clearer.
Sunday 11/21/99
First thing's first...Go Dolphins! Woo Hoo!
OK, so here it is late Sunday afternoon. How fucking depressing is that? Back to that Cess Pool called "work" tomorrow. UGH! Well, I've almost used up all my vacation days, so I'll literally have no excuse to stay there anymore.
So anyway, I'm listening to Guano Apes CD. It's called Proud Like A God. This band fucking rocks! They are German, with a cute chickkie handling the vocals. They sound like a much harder edged No Doubt. Much harder. It's really quite good! The new Korn is also pretty good. As is a CD from a new band called Staind. Music is fun, yes?
Saturday 11/20/99
So like I said in my review of Sleepy Hollow, I went and got the soundtrack. Wow. Danny Elfman is SO amazing. I know I'm gonna listen to this CD over and over!
On a totally unrelated note, I have never really read The Bible. I never really wanted to either. Don't think I ever will. Still, I have always been curious about Revelations (Hey, as a Metal fan how could I not...way too many songs deal with it!)
Anyway, I always hoped somebody would sell just the Revelations section. Well, whatdoyaknow, while at one of me favorite places, Barnes & Noble, I found just that. They had an end stand of small little $3.00 books, and so apparently, you too can own The Bible one Chapter at a time! (I guess they figured it worked so well for Stephen King and his The Green Mile, which on a totally unrelated note looks to be a great movie, but I really digress way too much now).
So anyway, now I have Revelations. Problem is...now I'm a little scared to read it. Say it with me...PUSSY!!! No really, I mean I figured I'd never read it, but now I have the book, and what if it's all true? I mean add that to all this Y2K shit, and you gotta wonder, you know?
So what I think I'll do is hold off. If it's January, and we're all fine, and our microwaves don't start spewing pea-soup, and our VCRs don't start chanting Carmina Burana, and the skys don't rain down with Acid Rain and all that left over hair spray that Motley Crue used in the 80's...THEN I'll read that book. Revelations.
Thursday, 11/18/99
Thank God it's Friday. Well, it's Thursday, but I don't work again until Monday. I am a little nervous though. I have a feeling that what I had planned for Friday aint happening. FUCK.
Well, whatever happens this weekend, I WILL see Sleepy Hollow, so there should be a review soon. I also will archive this page for your quick loading convenience.
Shit. I guess that's it. Oh, work really sucked today. I swear the time just drags there so badly. Maybe I'll work on my resume this weekend. Hmmm. I'm not usually that productive.
Tuesday, 11/16/99
Yes. I'm still listening to Christmas Music. Deal with it.
Woah. Now THAT was an unexpected ego boost I had today. Kind of makes me wonder... Hmmm. More on that later. Much.
In other news, work still sucks, but at least I'll have a three day weekend this weekend, a four day weekend next weekend (Gobble Gobble) and I'll be off on that magic December day / night when Metallica comes to kick all our asses in the Orange Bowl! I CANNOT fucking wait!
Sunday, 11/14/99
Fucking Dolphins SUCK! UGH!
OK, that being said, I know I said I'd stop talking about the Amazon Goddess, but damn it, it's my site, right? UGH. Well, I guess I shouldn't talk about Her. She is an Enigma...and she's getting harder and harder to figure out on a daily basis...
Well, I added two reviews to the Movie section. I know I really need to do much more updating and stuff. Please be patient and keep checking back. Who know's, maybe you'll actually like visiting. I mean hell, at the very least this site is a constant reminder that your life isn't nearly as bad as mine!
Friday, 11/12/99
OK, I now belong to a second Web Ring, Web Maniac's Chaotic Circle Ring. Please be sure to check them out!
OK, no time to write...will it be a good weekend?
Wednesnday, 11/10/99
This is really pathetic, but I really have nothing to say...at all! I mean how sad can my little life be if I can't even muster a few words to add to my Journal? Sheesh.
Well, I did notice that this page is getting too long too...guess it's time to archive yet another page. Maybe this weekend. Hmmm, there seems to be two and a half movies to see this weekend...
Oh, I was recently told that I should be a psychologist (or psychiatrist, I know not the difference really). Anyway, that was a twist, because I'm really used to being told that I should SEE a psychologist,not be one!
Monday, 11/8/99
I have absolutely nothing to say, except, GO Dolphins! Woo Hoo!!!
Sunday, 11/7/99
I really don't have anything to say. I guess I should say something. Hmmm...well, this coming week at work should prove to be even uglier than usual. I have this week's job section of the Miami Herald a few feet away from me. You think I've cracked it open? NO! Duh.
So I was listening to a band called Cradle of Filth today. They are a Black Metal/Satanic Metal/Vampiric Metal/ Gothic Metal band from Europe. I don't remember exactly where. I really love their music and compositions, but the singer, the lovingly monikered Dani Filth, sings sort of like he's being raped by an over sized enema while simultaneoulsy having his testicles crushed by a vice grip.
It's just not pretty.
Other than that, I am REALLY looking forward to Dogma, Kevin Smith's new movie. It'll be out Friday, and you can expect a review by Sunday.
Saturday, 11/6/99
OK, I think I'll stop talking about the Amazon Goddess now. Problem is, I don't know what else to talk about.
Do you like the way the first page looks now? It's a little better, right? I'll try to get this site looking better, really I will!
By the way, I really hate Miami radio! Fucking A! I'm pretty much down to the one Rock station, and the Classical station! Sheesh. Ok, that's it.
Thursday, 11/4/99
Well, the big, sad thing isn't happening today after all. I should be thrilled, but at the same time I'm almost disappointed. It's just that I put a lot of thought and effort into it. I STILL can't really get into it, but DUH, it involves the Amazon Goddess.
Well, at least I made it into the SkullHeaven Web Ring! So PLEASE, when you enter my site be sure to visit the Web Ring. The ones I've seen have been very interesting, to say the least! Spooky even! I'm not really sure I fit in at the moment, but hey, I'll take it! So go check them out!
Oh, and yes, as a matter of fact I'm listening to Christmas music right now! How'd ya know?
Wednesday, 11/3/99
So anyway, it's November 3...so of course I've already broken out my Christmas music! Heh. Trans Siberian Orchestra has two Christmas CDs, and damn it, they are awesome! It's like a mix of Rock,Metal,Classical, and of course standard Christmas Carols! The core of TSO is made up of the awesome Metal band, Savatage. Woo hoo!
Well, tomorrow is gonna be a BIG day for me. It won't be pretty, in fact I know it'll be very hard on me, but I'm hoping to make the best of an impossibly bad situation. This of course will most likely lead to another Journal Entry later this weekend along the lines of that "Ugly" one I wrote recently. Except for that this one won't be ugly, just sad.
Well, I guess that's it. I better go do that thing where I pay bills today, and see that I've already spent more than tomorrow's check. Joy.
Tuesday, 11/2/99
Happy Birthday to my sister in North Carolina. Not that she'll ever visit this site.
So, did you see that kiss between Ally and Ling last night? WOW! That was impressive. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy, it did!
Nothing else I can get into right now, but steps are in motion for me to have another BAD day very soon, which, at least in part, will be accounted for here...
Monday, 11/1/99
Seriously, I'm VERY sad about this. Walter Payton died today. He was 45. Sweetness is what they called him...and man, that's what he was. On the field, and according to just about everybody, off the field as well. I'm not a jock in ANY sense of the word, and to be honest, I'm only a casual football fan. Still, he will always be my All Time Favorite football player. He was just such a pleasure to watch!Even though he hadn't played in many years, I know he will be sorely missed.
In other news...well, the Halloween colors are gone, but I kept the skull. It's just too cool! I haven't heard back from the Skull Heaven Web Ring. I doubt they'll let me be part of the ring. My site is very depressing, but not too scary or Gothic or Macabre...but I'd like to take it more in that direction.
Oh, I forgot to mention a couple of other new shows I like. Get Real and The West Wing. Unfortunately they're on opposite each other. Bummer.
Well, I guess that's it. Oh, yeah, Go Dolphins! Woo hoo! (but Jesus, stop scraping by, and fucking WIN!)