I had dental surgery last Friday to remove a tooth that had a botched root canal done on it years ago. They also put in an implant that will eventually have a crown on it, but it has to be in like six months, after the bone heals over the implant. Lovely.
It actually hasn't hurt too much (knock on wood), but it's uncomfortable, and the 5 or 6 shots they gave me to start the whole thing off were NOT pleasant at all!
I meant to have two new reviews up by now, but I've been way too busy.
Over the weekend I saw two completely different movies. One was all heart, the other had a lot of hearts being ripped out left and right.
I'll post them ASAP...
Yesterday was my Mom's birthday. She's 69 going on 102.
God Bless Her.
I also found out that a very good friend's father passed away yesterday.
Her mother also died of cancer.
Have all the faith you want. Congrats. But I just can't believe...
Maybe some day...