Humanity as a whole should never have happened
The universe, and by that I guess I really mean Earth, would have been much better off had no human ever infected it
I’ve felt this way all along, but I arrived here now by thinking that certain criminals should not be allowed lawyers
Which got me to thinking that that’s not allowed, because we live in a fair country, a democracy
Which made me think maybe we shouldn’t be a democracy
Which made me realize that obviously I wouldn’t want to live in a police state, a tyrannical state, etc
Which made me realize that we wouldn’t have to worry about stuff like that, if we were never here
Sure, mankind has done absolute wonders
But the Earth, in it’s rawest form, is far superior to the wonders of man
We should have never happened
We all should have been flora and fauna and all matters of earthly elements
But not humans
An animal, nature, it doesn’t kill indiscriminately
It only kills to eat, or to protect, or to keep the circle of life going in its perpetual manner
Man kills
And Man tends to believe in a God that smiles upon the senseless slaughter of a building full of people as long as it’s done in his name
Man is inherently evil in that it thinks and it lusts
And now yet another completely innocent little girl is dead
And it never should have happened
It never should have been allowed to happen
And I know I sound like a hypocrite because I fully enjoy what modern technology has allowed us
I love movies and music and God knows I’m addicted to the internet
But I still think we shouldn’t be here
I pissed off a couple of people recently.
I'm sorry.