OK, weird...I had another dream...with a leopard!
OK, maybe it was a jaguar! I still dunno!!!
But come on, what are the odds of having another dream with a leopard / jaguar creature?!?
I wanna know what it's supposed to mean (if anything), but have had no luck looking online...
I'm gonna have to pass by a bookstore this weekend and see what's up...
Well, like I said, bye May!
Actually, the highlight of my extended weekend came way back on Thursday night / Friday morning when I delved into the Downtown Miami area for the first time ever at night (I've been there in the day time to try to get County jobs or to visit the big library, etc.)
I went to check out Ology, a very young cool band that I found out about via their singer, a very cool young lady who e-mailed me about this site once. She and I have become pretty cool cyber-buds, and when she told me about her gig I had to try and go. Luckily for me my coworker, the drummer for SWEETBONE AND Daddy Likes, wanted to check Ology out too, so he drove me into that far away place called Downtown.
We actually got to see more of Manjo Potts, an alternative rock band with surprisingly blistering, Metal style guitar leads. They kinda rocked.
It was already pretty late when Ology finally went on stage, and my buddy had to get up to go to work in the morning, so we only saw them perform about 4 or 5 songs. Still, I was mightily impressed. The band is pretty mellow by my standards, but very tight, and the singer had a really great voice. I wanna say that they have a bit of a No Doubt and Blondie thing going on, but that wouldn't be fair. They're definitely their own bad. Anyway, she really blew me away, first with her e-mails, then with her voice.
I could prolly fall for her quite easily if she wasn't so young, and SO very far beyond me...
Pretty cool night, that was.
Weird, huh?
Oh, hey, I wanted to mention that Tripod must be hurting for $$$, and so I'm sorry about all the pop ups...
You prolly already know this, but you can close the bigger ones immediately, and then just minimize the smaller one, because that one'll keep popping up as you open another page anyway.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but that's the price of free web space.
And I do appreciate people checking out my site...
Saw an old friend I hadn’t seen in a while last night, along with Pal Joey and his Gal.
It was a nice dinner, but I had to cut out early to go check out another pal’s band, SweetBone. They kicked out the jams last night, despite some technical difficulties. A nice highlight was that I got to meet somebody who’s become a pretty great e-mail bud, along with her band mates. I hope to check out their band soon. They’re called Ology, which I think is a great name.
So today’s a typical Sunday…
Gotta get my shit together and do a bunch of reading for class tomorrow night.
Also paid some bills and set up the next batch, which is a damn ugly bunch. Shit.
Life’s expensive…
And I'm actually attending class at a Middle School, not on a college campus.
My God, it's been 20 years since I've been to Middle School. Hell, I didn't even go to Middle School. Back then it was Junior High.
Oy vey, but I'm an old man...
You know, I hate when I have to drive in the rain.
Especially in day time, because I'm old and forgetful...and sure enough last night I left my lights on for about an hour after getting home.
Luckily a neighbor pointed it out to me, and so I'm here this morning, as opposed to trying to find a way to get a new car battery...
Thanks neighbor lady that I've never said two word to before!
Not much going on.
Pretty badly sunburned.
I just can't seem to get into the habit of applying the proper amount of sunscreen.
It hurts a little, but it's more uncomfortable than anything else. And a little embarrassing because I look so stupid.
I was recently in the position to observe people.
I've always known that people watching is great sport, but in this case I could really observe behavior. I don't know to what extent the people I was observing were "normal", but suffice it to say that while I've always known I was different, I'm so not normal.
As I watched these people engage in conversation I realized I will never be like them. I have no conversational skills (unless maybe it's a subject I care about a lot), and I have like no social skills. The rules of the game are lost on me, and I will never truly be able to participate.
Which brings me to tomorrow. I start a class for about a month's time. A bookkeeping class at the behest of my boss. To say I'm apprehensive is an understatement.
To say I have more than a little interest is a lie.
I know it's all for the greater good. Well, my greater good, but damn, I don't wanna do it.
Anyway, I know the empty can rattles the most, but I just feel like bitching.
Bitching, crying, screaming, breaking stuff,jumping off a building, sticking my head in a hole, suffocating myself with a pillow while drowning in my own tears.
Whatever helps.
Emptiness is so hard to swallow.
Everything else sucks right now too.
A good friend of mine is recovering from surgery right now.
Doubt he'll be reading this anytime soon, if at all, but all the best dude.