In other news I'be updated the movie section (Saturday) and finally added to the music section (Sunday).
Guess this will close out March.
See you in April...
Not sure how I feel about this year’s Oscars.
I mean, on the one hand, I’m glad they happened because it’s something I look forward to every year. But it also seemed a bit wrong.
I mean, there IS a war going on, right?
But oh well, they went on, and I have to admit, I crashed before the end.
But I saw what I wanted to see, Best Actor and Actress.
I kinda figured CHICAGO would win, and it did, so I didn’t miss anything there. I woulda been pissed as Hell if Nicole Kidman didn’t win for THE HOURS, but she did, and all is well with the world.
As for Adrien Brody winning for Best Actor, well, I think it’s cool. I mean, I kinda wanted Nicolas Cage to get it for his awesome performance in ADAPTATION, but I kinda had a feeling Brody would get it, and didn’t mind. I haven’t seen his movie, but I’ve heard nothing but rave reviews.
And in interviews, he seems like a really cool guy.
And let me tell you what, it was either incredibly stupid to plant a big wet one on Halle Berry like that, or absolutely brilliant! All in all, his speech was great, albeit a bit too long and about to enter into the awkward zone before he stopped.
I saw Michael Moore win, but luckily changed the channel before his little tirade. I kinda like him, but his speech was inappropriate, at least in my humble opinion…
As for Roman Polanski winning Best Director…
I had expected Scorsese to win as a career thing, but kinda had a feeling that Polanski would get it. I get a feeling that maybe he was the most deserving of the nominees for the movies represented, but I woulda preferred if Peter Jackson of LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS would have been nominated AND won!
Sadly, even without War and controversy, this year more than ever I was painfully aware that the Oscars are kinda meaningless. I mean, above all anyway, they're symbolic, but not really all that special. At least not as special as I used to think they were.
Guess that’s it.
Other than that I must say my back is really sunburned and I’m an idiot for not wearing more sunscreen!
Weekend's here.
No big plans, but at least it should be kind of busy, at least by my standards.
I definitely need the distraction...
Good news for me!
Jason Newsted,the former bass player for one of my fave bands of all time, Metallica, has just joined Ozzy's touring band!
AND, his other band, Voivod, has been added to Ozzfest 2003.
So come that fateful day in August, I'll get to see Mr. Newsted jam twice.
Damn, God bless his stamina!
This really is exciting news for me.
It's the little things that make me happy...
And the weirdest part about the whole thing is that Metallica's new bass player, Rob Trujillo, left Ozzy's band to join them. So it was a sort of unplanned switch-off.
Funkadocious indeed!
Now for something completely different, and utterly inappropriate.
I finally got my pics from MegaCon 2003 back, and while I’m loathe at displaying my less than appealing image on this site, I have to make an exception.
The pic isn’t very good quality thanks to a cheapo camera, but I managed to pose with an extremely hot model name of Aria Giovanni. She is really quite yummy.
Her website is her name (AriaGiovanni.Com) but I don’t wanna link it since it’s an adult site.
I really don’t go to her site, but I’ve definitely seen her on plenty of other sites.
Uh, in case you can’t tell the difference, I’m the one with facial hair.
I hardly slept last night. Fucking annoying as hell.
I'm sitting at my old desk at work, because my computer's still on it.
My new desk has a computer on it, but it's not mine. Its just being loaded with all the crap we do all day. All these changes are stressing me out huge.
I posted a new movie review yesterday.
So tonight VH-1 is showing the 2003 Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Induction ceremony.
My question is, Why isn't Black Sabbath in there?
At least, I'm pretty sure they're not.
And I'm not their biggest fan, but come on, they were very influential to rockers that have come since. I would dare say that they were more influential than AC/DC, who got in to the H.O.F. this year...
And speaking of Black Sabbath, I went ahead and bought a ticket to OzzFest 2003.
It's not til August, but the tickets went on sale, so I bought a ticket. One ticket.
I'll have to go by my lonesome. Story of my life.
Normally I would stay away from an all day thing like that, but I have to go this time, because making their American debut this time around is the freakish, Cradle of Filth!
It'll be my first time seeing a "Black Metal" band live. Their like a horror movie set to music. I don't think they're really "Satanic", but it's their image. You can bet that they've been influenced by Black Sabbath.
Anyway, there are a lot of things to see and do there, and a ton of bands perform at the show, and there are two stages. Even with Disturbed and Korn among others, and Ozzy himself there (which to me only matters because of his bad ass guitarist, Zakk Wylde) Cradle Of Filth is the reason I'm going.
And as for the freaks that took her, fuck you and die.
So I went to yet another MOVIE last night.
Am I just not the coolest person, like ever?
Damn, I really had no reason to come in here today, huh?
Weekends kinda suck too.
I might take some accounting classes soon.
Boss says if I pass them, he'll reimburse me for the $$$.
Fair enough.
I have a headache.
I always have a fucking headache.
It's all just so fucking frustrating, isn't it?
Guess that's it for now. Don't really feel like writing much.